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Rev. Bras. Med. Fam. Comunidade ; 19(46): 3772, 20241804.
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1552241


A aprendizagem baseada em projeto orientada pelos fundamentos da educação interprofissional é um modelo que pode contribuir para a formação de relacionamentos interpessoais, criatividade, empatia e colaboração na educação médica, por meio de uma colaboração mútua com profissionais de saúde da rede. Muito se fala da efetividade desse método no campo do ensino e aprendizagem médica, mas há a necessidade de incluir a importância do desenvolvimento de habilidades interprofissionais, com equipes colaborativas, em ações extensionistas, diante das necessidades locais no contexto da atenção primária, pensando na melhoria dos resultados de saúde. O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar um relato de experiência de aprendizagem baseada em projeto de estudantes de Medicina no contexto da Estratégia Saúde da Família. Participaram deste trabalho estudantes do Módulo Integração Ensino, Serviço e Comunidade da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri que executaram, em colaboração com uma equipe interprofissional o projeto sobre a saúde do homem. Como resultado da análise qualitativa do feedback entre os integrantes, observaram-se mudanças no comportamento dos estudantes, com melhorias na comunicação, empatia e nas relações interpessoais, por meio do trabalho colaborativo com a equipe interprofissional. Esta experiência poderá ser adaptada para implementar o ensino e aprendizagem no projeto pedagógico orientado pela educação interprofissional na atenção primária.

Project-based learning guided by the fundamentals of interprofessional education is a model that can contribute to the formation of interpersonal relationships, creativity, empathy and collaboration within medical education, through mutual collaboration with health professionals in the health network. Much has been said about the effectiveness of this method in medical teaching and learning, but there is a need to include the importance of developing interprofessional skills, with collaborative teams, within extension actions, in view of local needs in the context of primary care, thinking about the improved health outcomes. The objective of this work was to present a report of a project-based learning experience of medical students in Family Health Strategy. Students from the Teaching, Service and Community Integration Module of the Faculty of Medicine of Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri participated in this work, executing in collaboration with an interprofessional team a project about men's health. As a result of the qualitative analysis of the feedback among the members, changes in student behavior were observed with improvements in communication, empathy and interpersonal relationships through collaborative work with the interprofessional team. This experience can be adapted to implement teaching and learning in the pedagogical project guided by interprofessional education in primary care.

El aprendizaje basado en proyectos y guiado por los fundamentos de la educación interprofesional es un modelo que puede contribuir a la formación de relaciones interpersonales, creatividad, empatía y colaboración dentro de la educación médica, a través de la colaboración mutua con los profesionales de la salud en la red de salud. Mucho se habla de la efectividad de este método dentro de la enseñanza y el aprendizaje médico, pero es necesario incluir la importancia del desarrollo de habilidades interprofesionales, con equipos colaborativos, dentro de las acciones de extensión, frente a las necesidades locales en el contexto de la atención primaria, pensando sobre los mejores resultados de salud. El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar un informe de experiencia de aprendizaje basado en proyectos de estudiantes de medicina en la Estrategia de Salud Familiar. Participaron en este trabajo estudiantes del Módulo Integración Enseñanza, Servicio y Comunidad de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri que ejecutaron en colaboración con un equipo interprofesional el proyecto sobre la salud del hombre. Como resultado del análisis cualitativo de la retroalimentación entre los integrantes, se observaron cambios en el comportamiento de los estudiantes con mejoras en la comunicación, la empatía y las relaciones interpersonales a través del trabajo colaborativo con el equipo interprofesional. Esta experiencia puede adaptarse para implementar la enseñanza y el aprendizaje en el proyecto pedagógico guiado por la educación interprofesional en atención primaria.

Rev. Bras. Med. Fam. Comunidade ; 19(46): 3928, 20241804.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1552244


Introdução: A comunicação é reconhecida como uma habilidade central por vários órgãos reguladores internacionais da educação médica. O ensino específico de habilidades de comunicação é fundamental para melhorar a comunicação dos médicos. As técnicas experienciais mostraram superioridade em comparação com os modelos tradicionais. A utilização de consultas reais ajuda os estudantes a visualizar melhor as suas competências de entrevista e a refletir sobre elas. Com os avanços da tecnologia, o uso de consultas médicas gravadas em vídeo tornou-se a abordagem padrão para o ensino da comunicação. No entanto, a eficácia dessa técnica depende do envolvimento ativo dos estudantes. As suas contribuições e comentários dos pares sobre a consulta gravada são essenciais para a aprendizagem. Contudo, a perspectiva do estudante sobre a utilidade dessa abordagem educativa recebeu pouca atenção. Objetivos: Compreender a percepção da aprendizagem dos residentes de medicina de família e comunidade resultante da atividade de vídeo feedback na sua formação profissional. Métodos: Estudo exploratório, qualitativo, realizado com residentes do primeiro ano de medicina de família e comunidade de um programa de residência estabelecido em São Paulo, Brasil. Os participantes foram entrevistados após as sessões educativas, que foram analisadas por meio de análise temática reflexiva. Resultados: A autopercepção de sua prática, o aprendizado de habilidades de comunicação e os ganhos afetivos foram identificados pelos participantes como pontos de aprendizado derivados da atividade de vídeo feedback. Além disso, sobre o aprendizado de habilidades específicas de comunicação, eles mencionaram comunicação não-verbal e verbal, conexões entre teoria e prática, estrutura de consulta e oportunidades para cristalizar conhecimentos. Os ganhos afetivos incluíram sentir-se parte de um grupo, melhora da autoestima, superação de inseguranças, percepção de consultas mais efetivas, reforço do gosto pelo trabalho e reconhecer a necessidade de mais aprendizado. Conclusões: Os ganhos de aprendizagem identificados em nosso estudo levaram a uma experiência de humanidade compartilhada, que permite aos participantes serem mais efetivos técnica e afetivamente com seus pacientes. Além disso, identificamos que a atividade educativa de vídeo feedback pode ser utilizada para outros possíveis fins educacionais além do ensino da comunicação.

Introduction: Communication is recognized as a central skill by various international medical education regulatory bodies. Specific teaching on communication skills is important to enhance doctors' communication. Experiential techniques appear to be superior compared to traditional models. Real-life consultation helps trainees visualize their interview skills and reflect on them. Upgraded by technology, the use of video-recorded medical visits became the standard approach for communication teaching. However, the effectiveness pf this technique relies on trainees' active involvement. Their inputs and peer feedback on the recorded consultation are essential to learning. Despite its importance, their perspective on the usefulness of video feedback in medical education has received limited attention. Objective: To understand the perception of learning among general practice trainees as a result of the video feedback activity in their vocational training. Methods: An exploratory, qualitative study, conducted with first-year general practice trainees from an established training program in São Paulo, Brazil. Participants were interviewed after educational session, which were analyzed using reflexive thematic analysis. Results: Self-perception of their practice, communication skills learning, and affective gains were identified by participants as learning points derived from the video feedback activity. Furthermore, for specific communication skills learning, they mentioned nonverbal and verbal communication, theory and practice connections, consultation structure and opportunities for crystallizing knowledge. Affective gains included feeling part of a group, improving self-esteem, overcoming insecurities, perception of more effective consultations, reinforcing fondness for their work, and need for more learning. Conclusions: The learning gains identified in our study led to an experience of common humanity, which allowed participants to be more technically and affectively effective with their patients. Also, we identified that the video feedback educational activity can be used for other possible educational purposes, beyond the teaching of communication.

Introducción: La comunicación es reconocida como una habilidad fundamental por varios organismos reguladores internacionales de educación médica. La enseñanza específica de habilidades de comunicación es importante para mejorar la comunicación de los médicos. Las técnicas experienciales parecen ser superiores a los modelos tradicionales. El uso de consultas reales ayuda a los estudiantes a visualizar y reflexionar mejor sobre sus habilidades de entrevista. Actualizado por la tecnología, el uso de consultas médicas grabadas en video se ha convertido en el enfoque estándar para la enseñanza de la comunicación. Sin embargo, para que la técnica funcione, la participación de los estudiantes es crucial. Sus contribuciones y comentarios de los compañeros sobre la consulta grabada son esenciales para el aprendizaje. Sin embargo, la perspectiva de los estudiantes sobre la utilidad de este enfoque educativo ha recibido poca atención. Objetivos: Comprender la percepción del aprendizaje por parte de los residentes de medicina de familia y comunitaria como resultado de la actividad de vídeo feedback en su formación profesional. Métodos: Estudio cualitativo exploratorio realizado con residentes de primer año de medicina familiar y comunitaria de un programa de residencia establecido en São Paulo, Brasil. Los participantes fueron entrevistados después de una sesión educativa, que fueron analizados mediante análisis temático reflexivo. Resultados: La autopercepción de su práctica, el aprendizaje de habilidades comunicativas y las ganancias afectivas fueron identificadas por los participantes como puntos de aprendizaje derivados de la actividad de vídeo feedback. Además, sobre el aprendizaje de habilidades comunicativas específicas, mencionaron la comunicación verbal y no verbal, las conexiones entre la teoría y la práctica, la estructura de consulta y las oportunidades para cristalizar conocimientos. En cuanto a las ganancias afectivas, relataron sentirse parte de un grupo, mejora de la autoestima, superación de las inseguridades, percepción de consultas más efectivas, refuerzo del gusto por el trabajo y necesidad de más aprendizaje. Conclusión: Los logros de aprendizaje identificados en nuestro estudio llevaron a una experiencia de humanidad compartida, que permite a los participantes ser técnica y afectivamente más efectivos con sus pacientes. Además, identificamos que la actividad educativa de vídeo feedback puede ser utilizada para otros posibles fines educativos, además de la enseñanza de la comunicación.

Rev. neurol. (Ed. impr.) ; 78(7): 209-211, Ene-Jun, 2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-232183


Las revistas científicas más importantes en campos como medicina, biología y sociología publican reiteradamente artículos y editoriales denunciando que un gran porcentaje de médicos no entiende los conceptos básicos del análisis estadístico, lo que favorece el riesgo de cometer errores al interpretar los datos, los hace más vulnerables frente a informaciones falsas y reduce la eficacia de la investigación. Este problema se extiende a lo largo de toda su carrera profesional y se debe, en gran parte, a una enseñanza deficiente en estadística que es común en países desarrollados. En palabras de H. Halle y S. Krauss, ‘el 90% de los profesores universitarios alemanes que usan con asiduidad el valor de p de los test no entiende lo que mide ese valor’. Es importante destacar que los razonamientos básicos del análisis estadístico son similares a los que realizamos en nuestra vida cotidiana y que comprender los conceptos básicos del análisis estadístico no requiere conocimiento matemático alguno. En contra de lo que muchos investigadores creen, el valor de p del test no es un ‘índice matemático’ que nos permita concluir claramente si, por ejemplo, un fármaco es más efectivo que el placebo. El valor de p del test es simplemente un porcentaje.(AU)

Abstract. Leading scientific journals in fields such as medicine, biology and sociology repeatedly publish articles and editorials claiming that a large percentage of doctors do not understand the basics of statistical analysis, which increases the risk of errors in interpreting data, makes them more vulnerable to misinformation and reduces the effectiveness of research. This problem extends throughout their careers and is largely due to the poor training they receive in statistics – a problem that is common in developed countries. As stated by H. Halle and S. Krauss, ‘90% of German university lecturers who regularly use the p-value in tests do not understand what that value actually measures’. It is important to note that the basic reasoning of statistical analysis is similar to what we do in our daily lives and that understanding the basic concepts of statistical analysis does not require any knowledge of mathematics. Contrary to what many researchers believe, the p-value of the test is not a ‘mathematical index’ that allows us to clearly conclude whether, for example, a drug is more effective than a placebo. The p-value of the test is simply a percentage.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pesquisa Biomédica , Publicação Periódica , Publicações Científicas e Técnicas , Testes de Hipótese , Valor Preditivo dos Testes
Rev. esp. patol ; 57(2): 91-96, Abr-Jun, 2024. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-232412


Introducción y objetivo: La inteligencia artificial se halla plenamente presente en nuestras vidas. En educación las posibilidades de su uso son infinitas, tanto para alumnos como para docentes. Material y métodos: Se ha explorado la capacidad de ChatGPT a la hora de resolver preguntas tipo test a partir del examen de la asignatura Procedimientos Diagnósticos y Terapéuticos Anatomopatológicos de la primera convocatoria del curso 2022-2023. Además de comparar su resultado con el del resto de alumnos presentados, se han evaluado las posibles causas de las respuestas incorrectas. Finalmente, se ha evaluado su capacidad para realizar preguntas de test nuevas a partir de instrucciones específicas. Resultados: ChatGPT ha acertado 47 de las 68 preguntas planteadas, obteniendo una nota superior a la de la media y mediana del curso. La mayor parte de preguntas falladas presentan enunciados negativos, utilizando las palabras «no», «falsa» o «incorrecta» en su enunciado. Tras interactuar con él, el programa es capaz de darse cuenta de su error y cambiar su respuesta inicial por la correcta. Finalmente, ChatGPT sabe elaborar nuevas preguntas a partir de un supuesto teórico o bien de una simulación clínica determinada. Conclusiones: Como docentes estamos obligados a explorar las utilidades de la inteligencia artificial, e intentar usarla en nuestro beneficio. La realización de tareas que suponen un consumo de tipo importante, como puede ser la elaboración de preguntas tipo test para evaluación de contenidos, es un buen ejemplo. (AU)

Introduction and objective: Artificial intelligence is fully present in our lives. In education, the possibilities of its use are endless, both for students and teachers. Material and methods: The capacity of ChatGPT has been explored when solving multiple choice questions based on the exam of the subject «Anatomopathological Diagnostic and Therapeutic Procedures» of the first call of the 2022-23 academic year. In addition, to comparing their results with those of the rest of the students presented the probable causes of incorrect answers have been evaluated. Finally, its ability to formulate new test questions based on specific instructions has been evaluated. Results: ChatGPT correctly answered 47 out of 68 questions, achieving a grade higher than the course average and median. Most failed questions present negative statements, using the words «no», «false» or «incorrect» in their statement. After interacting with it, the program can realize its mistake and change its initial response to the correct answer. Finally, ChatGPT can develop new questions based on a theoretical assumption or a specific clinical simulation. Conclusions: As teachers we are obliged to explore the uses of artificial intelligence and try to use it to our benefit. Carrying out tasks that involve significant consumption, such as preparing multiple-choice questions for content evaluation, is a good example. (AU)

Humanos , Patologia , Inteligência Artificial , Ensino , Educação , Docentes de Medicina , Estudantes
Cureus ; 16(2): e55293, 2024 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38558639


Introduction The concept of work-life balance is a complex, multidimensional intertwinement of the roles an individual plays in their professional and personal life. Work-life balance is crucial for every profession, and doctors have no exemption not exempted from it. Medical students and young graduates face numerous challenges that potentially impact their work (study)-life balance. Objectives of the study The aim is to assess the hours spent in study and the hours spent in non-study activities by medical students and graduates in India and to assess the study-life balance among them. Methodology A cross-sectional observational study employing a predefined web-based survey to investigate the study-life balance among medical students and graduates across India. A predesigned questionnaire was designed and made accessible through Google Forms, which was distributed among doctors across India via popular social media platforms. Data management was conducted using Microsoft Excel and Data analysis was done using SPSS (IBM Corp., Armonk, NY). Results A total of 416 responses were included in the study. The study participants were predominantly female (64.2%). Most of the study participants were from the State of Telangana (63.9%). The time spent studying was < 10 hours/week for 43.8% students and 10-25 hours/week for 27.2% students. Around 24% students reported spending 10-25 hours/week in hospital. While 47.4% reported spending less than one to two hours per day with their family, 26% of the participants answered "yes" to the question "Do you feel that your study-life is stressful?." Conclusions Self-care and study-life balance is a multi-factorial focal area that is based on balancing stress and happiness, with completing the tasks of the medical school. Medical students need to receive proper guidelines to transition into medical school for better study-life balance.

Cureus ; 16(2): e55177, 2024 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38558703


INTRODUCTION: The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer or Questioning (LGBTQ) community has always faced discrimination across the globe. Due to a lack of information in medical curricula and no training or sensitization of doctors towards their health needs, there are numerous health disparities faced by this community. Negative attitudes and inadequate knowledge may also cause students to feel hesitant to treat patients in the community. The present study thus aims to evaluate the attitudes and knowledge of medical students and interns towards LGBTQ+. METHODOLOGY: The present study is a cross-sectional observational study where a self-administered questionnaire was shared with the medical students of India via an online platform. The collected data was then analyzed using Microsoft Excel STATA version 14.0 (StataCorp LLC, Texas, USA). RESULTS: A total of 790 responses were analyzed. 67.2% of respondents had an overall positive attitude, with students under the age of 20, female students, and medical students being more likely to have a positive attitude towards the community. 60.7% of the respondents had satisfactory knowledge, with interns being more likely to have more knowledge than students. The respondents with better knowledge were more likely to have a positive attitude. CONCLUSION: The study participants had satisfactory knowledge, and the majority had a positive attitude towards the LGBTQ+ community. However, to clear misconceptions regarding the LGBTQ+ community, the medical curriculum must be updated to include more information and provide proper training and sensitization in order to ensure optimum healthcare for all, regardless of sexual orientation and identity.

Cureus ; 16(2): e55131, 2024 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38558720


Background The global impact of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has disrupted the activities of medical and health profession education institutions. This study aimed to determine the impact of COVID-19 on medical and health profession education students' knowledge, attitudes, and practices toward preventive measures and their commitment to precautionary measures before, during, and after the pandemic. Materials and methods A cross-sectional study was carried out from January to March 2023 using an online, structured, validated questionnaire survey to gather information from medical and health sciences students from three universities, encompassing five colleges in Madinah, Saudi Arabia. The minimum required sample size was estimated using the Epi Info software as 380. The data was analyzed using IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, Version 20.0 (Released 2011; IBM Corp., Armonk, New York, United States). Statistical tests including Student's t-test, chi-squared test, and analysis of variance (ANOVA) test were applied. Results The findings revealed that personal experiences with COVID-19 infection had a significant impact on students' attitudes and commitment to preventive measures (p<0.05). Among the participants, 172 students (45%) reported having contracted COVID-19. Students with clinical exposure showed a higher level of understanding and adherence to preventive measures (248 students, 68%), compared to pre-clinical students (198 students, 52%) (p<0.05). Positive attitudes were observed toward practices such as sneezing etiquette (289 students, 76%) and flu vaccination (314 students, 83%) (p<0.05). However, negative attitudes were observed toward mask-wearing (155 students, 41%) and social distancing (144 students, 38%), particularly among male students (p<0.05). Conclusion The study provided valuable insights into the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on medical and health sciences students' knowledge, attitudes, and practices toward preventive measures and the importance of introducing COVID-19 prevention measures in the pre-clinical phase as well as mental health support to promote positive attitudes and enhance adherence to preventive measures.

J Chiropr Humanit ; 31: 1-7, 2024 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38558770


Objective: The purpose of this descriptive report is to describe the development of a preparticipation risk assessment screening process for incoming students prior to participation in practical labs. Methods: A committee at the Palmer College of Chiropractic, Florida met to discuss a health history questionnaire, physical examination process, and course of action to have second-year students use their current knowledge to screen incoming students for possible clinical considerations of practice lab participation. The aim was to identify potential risk factors that may require application modification associated with performing and receiving adjustments and other hands-on lab activities within the curriculum. The preparticipation screening process, focused on general health and curriculum referenced chiropractic clinical considerations, and was created as an expansion of the existing informed consent procedures to screen incoming students prior to participating in palpation, technique, physical examination, and open adjusting labs in the chiropractic program. Any clinical considerations identified during the screening were referred to be fully evaluated by a third-year clinic intern and faculty-licensed chiropractor to maintain classroom safety standards for the students. Referred students were restricted from full classroom lab participation until recommendations from the clinic or outside licensed healthcare providers managing their concerns were received. Results: The program was implemented in April 2022. Eight out of the 48 students evaluated in the first group and 12 of the 81 in the second group had possible clinical considerations to participation and were referred appropriately for a full evaluation. In the third group, 35 out of 146 students with suspected clinical considerations to participation were identified. Of the 55 students referred out, all students are now actively participating in classroom activities. Fifteen have been cleared to return to classroom participation with no restrictions and the remaining 40 students have been released for participation with patient-specific restrictions as directed by their managing health care providers. Conclusion: The preparticipation screening process was implemented as all incoming students since the inception of the process have been screened, referred for evaluation when deemed appropriate, and cleared to participate in labs either with or without restrictions. This process has also demonstrated the possibility of identifying multiple clinical considerations for safe curricular participation while participating in doctor-patient simulated classroom activities. This process may be helpful for new students to recognize the patient history and examination procedures as an important aspect of a patient encounter prior to receiving treatment.

J Educ Health Promot ; 13: 78, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38559473


BACKGROUND: Inappropriate handling of biomedical waste (BMW) may pose serious threats to the health of patients and hospital personnel. Among all healthcare workers, staff nurses play a vital role in BMW management (BMWM). Thus, the present study aimed to determine the predictors of BMWM practices among staff nurses of a tertiary care teaching hospital in India. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A prospective cross-sectional study was conducted among 150 staff nurses, working at a tertiary care teaching hospital in South India, from July to August 2018. Data were collected using a pretested, semi-structured, and self-administered questionnaire after taking their written informed consent. Regression analysis was carried out to identify the predictors of satisfactory BMWM practice status. RESULTS: Of the total 150 staff nurses, most of them were young females with a work experience of ≤ 5 years. Concerning knowledge scores, most staff nurses (63.3%) belonged to the moderate category, whereas a few (24%) were in the high category. Also, most of them (62.7%) were in the high category of attitude scores. For practice scores, half of the participants were in moderate and high categories, each. Female gender, attended training status, and moderate and high knowledge scores were significantly associated with satisfactory BMWM scores in unadjusted analysis. After adjusting for other independent variables, all these three factors were found significantly associated with satisfactory BMWM practice scores. CONCLUSION: The present study shows that the female gender, attending training in BMWM, and having a moderate and high knowledge of BMWM were significant predictors of satisfactory BMWM practice among staff nurses. Thus, all hospitals must periodically train their staff nurses to strengthen their BMWM practices. Safe BMWM leads to environmental protection and safeguards the health of patients, hospital personnel, and the public.

J Educ Health Promot ; 13: 68, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38559479


BACKGROUND: The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic changed and disrupted education at medical universities. Educational managers face new challenges and special complexities to manage this situation. This study aimed to explain the experiences of educational managers of Iranian medical universities in the early COVID-19 pandemic. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This descriptive-qualitative study was conducted at the Tehran University of Medical Sciences, 2020-2021. The study population included all educational managers in one of the positions of the dean of the faculty, educational Vice-Chancellor, head of the department, and other relevant educational directors in medical sciences universities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Data collected from semi-structured interviews were analyzed in MAXQDA2020 software using the thematic analysis approach. RESULTS: Four main themes and nine subthemes were identified: "The ups and downs of the transition from face-to-face training to virtual training," "Crisis in educational management," "Testing and Evaluation: Obstacles and Problems," "Education and lessons learned from COVID-19." CONCLUSION: Themes identified from the experiences of educational managers provide new information about the negative and positive effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the learning and teaching process of medical sciences students. Lessons learned and experiences of educational managers in medical sciences universities amid the COVID-19 pandemic will help health education policymakers so that they can create transformation and innovation in the education of medical science students. Strengthening the e-learning infrastructure will help to create a foundation for a rich way of educating medical students in the post-corona era and when the outbreak of other emerging diseases is inevitable in the future.

J Educ Health Promot ; 13: 63, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38559480


Providing quality services, using modern technologies, having effective marketing, and providing services at an international level have led to the globalization of hospital services. This study aimed to identify the components of health services in developing countries that provide services to international patients. A comparative review was conducted by searching in PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, Google Scholar, Google, and the websites of the World Medical Tourism Organization, the World Bank, and the Ministry of Health of the selected countries from 2000 to 2022. Iran, Turkey, Jordan, Costa Rica, the UAE, and Singapore were selected. The data were collected and analyzed using a comparative table. Different strategies were used to develop the medical tourism industry among the studied countries, but the main challenges in this field included the inappropriateness of the quality of the services provided or the provision of services that did not meet the needs of patients, the lack of expert human resource, not using medical facilitation companies, communication problems with patients, insufficient government support for medical tourism, and strict laws regarding business. The development of activities in the medical tourism industry requires planning in various dimensions. It seems that developing the medical marketing and activities of facilitator companies to facilitate patient admission, monitoring the quality of services provided, improving interdepartmental coordination, and considering a single trustee for this industry will improve the medical tourism status in Iran.

J Educ Health Promot ; 13: 62, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38559486


In Mongolia, the medical education system with a long history has developed with its characteristics since ancient times. Modern medical education, including pharmacy education, began to grow in 1921. Before modern pharmaceutical science developed in Mongolia, pharmacy and pharmacy education were part of Traditional Mongolian Medicine and education. Medical knowledge and experience were transferred from generation to generation through simple teaching. From the sixteenth century, Manba Datsan was established in religious temples to teach Mongolian medicine through discipleship. Modern pharmacy education in Mongolia began in 1926 with the course training of pharmacy technicians, and pharmacist training started in 1961. Pharmacy technician training with a 3-year and pharmacist training with 5-year programs oriented on patient-centered pharmaceutical care are implemented in Mongolia. Pharmacy technicians can also study towards a B. degree in Pharmacy with an additional 3 years of training. As of 2023, seven state-owned and private higher education institutions offer pharmacy education and the number of institutions and students of pharmacy is expected to increase. The pharmacy education policy and the license examination type may be reformable, and the curricula should be regularly updated in line with international trends.

J Educ Health Promot ; 13: 70, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38559490


BACKGROUND: Mobile learning has played an important role during the COVID-19 pandemic and medical schools now consider it as an effective educational method in current and future crises. In this qualitative study, an attempt was made to demonstrate the principles of designing a mobile learning strategy in medical education from the perspective of experts. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study was conducted by the qualitative content analysis method. The data were collected from July 2022 to Feb 2023. Twelve participants were included in this study from Iran's medical universities, consisting of two members of the Higher Council of Virtual Education, three educational directors, three clinical faculty members, two faculty members specializing in e-learning and medical education, an educational vice, and a dean. Data were collected using semi-structured interviews and analyzed by Granheim and Lundman's (2004) method. RESULTS: Out of twelve participants in the study, eight (66%) were males and four (44%) females. Data were classified into eight categories and one theme. Based on the participants' experiences, the main theme, that is, "the principles of medical education design in mobile learning," included pedagogical component, interactive design, effective and comprehensive analysis, achieving objectives with the mobile learning platform, generating micro- and interactive e-content, teaching-learning interactive methods, course implementation and interactive evaluation at both micro- and macro-levels. CONCLUSION: Data analysis revealed that in addition to the eight principles in the medical education design in mobile learning, the participants prioritized the two principles of pedagogical component and interactive design over other principles in educational design. Using a successful mobile learning strategy in situations of restrictions limiting physical presence may improve the quality of medical education.

Pathol Oncol Res ; 30: 1611664, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38559567


Background: Several factors can affect overall survival of head and neck cancer (HNC) patients, including characteristics of the cancer disease and response to treatments. However, patients' nutritional status and the effectiveness of medical nutrition therapy (MNT) can also impact overall survival. The primary goal of our research was to collect real-life data on the use of MNT in HNC patients and to specifically investigate the correlation between survival and the duration of uninterrupted (persistent) nutrition. Method: The data of this retrospective, analytical, cohort study was collected from electronic healthcare records from the Hungarian National Health Insurance Fund Management. Overall, 38,675 HNC patients' data of the period between 2012 and 2021 was used. We applied multi-step exclusions to identify patient groups accurately and to avoid biasing factors. Statistical analysis was done by the Kaplan-Meier method, log-rank test, and Cox regression analysis. Results: Throughout the investigated period 16,871 (64%) patients received MNT therapy out of 26,253 newly diagnosed patients (≥18 years). In terms of the persistence of MNT, we divided the patients into three groups (1-3; 4-6; ≥7-month duration of MNT). When comparing these groups, we found that patients receiving long-term (≥7 months) MNT had a significantly longer overall survival (p < 0.0001) than those who received MNT for a shorter duration, both in locally advanced and recurrent/metastatic cases. Conclusion: The main outcome of the study is that there is a positive correlation between the persistence of MNT and the overall survival in HNC patients when nutritional intervention lasts several months. It highlights the responsibility of the specialists during the patient journey to use MNT early and to continue its use for as long as it is beneficial to the patients.

Neoplasias de Cabeça e Pescoço , Terapia Nutricional , Humanos , Estudos de Coortes , Estudos Retrospectivos , Neoplasias de Cabeça e Pescoço/terapia
Int J Gen Med ; 17: 1145-1153, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38559591


Introduction: Gastrointestinal bleeding in COVID-19-infection poses unique challenges to patients owing to the high risk of concomitant respiratory failure. However, endoscopic care providers are prone to transmission. This study aimed to understand the risk and management outcomes of gastrointestinal bleeding in COVID-19-infected patients. Methods: Data were abstracted from electronic patient medical records, using ICD 10 codes, and demographic and clinical data were collected, for COVID-19-infected patients who developed gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding. Complications related to COVID-19 infection and management outcomes of GI bleeding were studied. Statistically, descriptive analysis was used because of the small sample size. Results: Eighteen COVID-19-infected patients developed episodes of GI bleeding, yielding a prevalence of 0.45%. Their mean age was 74.8 years, 55.5% were female, and 66.6% of patients (n=12) had upper GI bleeding symptoms, predominantly melena (55.5%), followed by coffee ground nasogastric aspirates (n=2). Only two patients (11.11%) had episodes of lower GI bleeding, and the remaining four patients (22.2%) had recurrent acute anemia requiring blood transfusion. The Glasgow-Blatchford score (GBS) at presentation ranged between 6 to 16 (mean 8.8) and seven patients (38.8%) underwent endoscopic evaluation for GI bleeding. The predominant comorbid conditions included hypertension (22.2%), diabetes mellitus (27.7%), chronic kidney disease (50%), ischemic heart disease (33%), atrial fibrillation (11.1%), and peripheral vascular disease (11.1%). The median hospitalization was 24.6 days (range: 3-54 days). The 30-day mortality rate in our cohort was 22.2%, (4/18) mainly noted in older patients aged> 60 years with comorbid conditions and severe COVID-19 infection. Conclusion: The prevalence of GI bleeding observed in our cohort was approximately 0.45%, significantly lower than the global prevalence observed, majority (66%) had upper GI bleeding. The exact reasons for the observed low prevalence of GI bleeding cannot be explained and will be the subject of future research.

Stomach bleeding in COVID-19-infected patients is a significant threat to the patients. This study aimed to understand the risk and management of stomach bleeding in patients infected with COVID-19. Medical records were retrospectively screened using appropriate disease codes to identify patients and collect information about their demographics and complications. Only 18 patients with stomach bleeding presented to the public hospitals in Al Ain from a total of 4000 COVID-19 patients during the peak of the pandemic. Majority of the patients had upper stomach bleeding (66%); the mean age of the patients was 78 years, majority of them being female (55.5%). The major comorbidity among the patients was chronic kidney disease (50%). The average duration of hospital stay was less than 25 days and the 30-day mortality was 22%. A higher mortality rate was observed in elderly patients with severe infections. The stomach bleeding observed in our patients was far less (0.45%) that in other COVID-19 patients globally, the reasons for which are not unknown.

Pattern Recognit ; 1512024 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38559674


Machine learning in medical imaging often faces a fundamental dilemma, namely, the small sample size problem. Many recent studies suggest using multi-domain data pooled from different acquisition sites/centers to improve statistical power. However, medical images from different sites cannot be easily shared to build large datasets for model training due to privacy protection reasons. As a promising solution, federated learning, which enables collaborative training of machine learning models based on data from different sites without cross-site data sharing, has attracted considerable attention recently. In this paper, we conduct a comprehensive survey of the recent development of federated learning methods in medical image analysis. We have systematically gathered research papers on federated learning and its applications in medical image analysis published between 2017 and 2023. Our search and compilation were conducted using databases from IEEE Xplore, ACM Digital Library, Science Direct, Springer Link, Web of Science, Google Scholar, and PubMed. In this survey, we first introduce the background of federated learning for dealing with privacy protection and collaborative learning issues. We then present a comprehensive review of recent advances in federated learning methods for medical image analysis. Specifically, existing methods are categorized based on three critical aspects of a federated learning system, including client end, server end, and communication techniques. In each category, we summarize the existing federated learning methods according to specific research problems in medical image analysis and also provide insights into the motivations of different approaches. In addition, we provide a review of existing benchmark medical imaging datasets and software platforms for current federated learning research. We also conduct an experimental study to empirically evaluate typical federated learning methods for medical image analysis. This survey can help to better understand the current research status, challenges, and potential research opportunities in this promising research field.

Glob Qual Nurs Res ; 11: 23333936241242929, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38559700


Mothers' experiences of caring for children with Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS) is largely unknown. With no treatment for PWS, parents undertake (extra)ordinary care practices to keep children safe from overeating and self harm. Knowledge of these care practices could lead to effective interventions. Narrative inquiry was used to study everyday experience with Canadian mothers. Participants cared for a child 3 to 17 years old who had hyperphagia. Participants were interviewed 8 to 12 times each over the course of a year. Narrative accounts were co-composed through a collaborative process of analysis. Engaging with participants' everyday experiences amplified complex care needs for families and gaps in health and social care systems. Narrative threads focused on engaging in (extra)ordinary care practices, rigid care work to keep children healthy and safe, tension from others while enacting these care practices, and difficulty conforming to social expectations with childrearing and care work. Recommendations for practice and policy include (a) shifting from untenable care practices, (b) reconceptualizing care work, and (c) alternative care models.

Int J Clin Pediatr Dent ; 17(1): 59-66, 2024 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38559870


Aim: To investigate the potential effectiveness of "medical clowns" on preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative anxiety of children undergoing various dental treatments and also its effect on the operator's stress levels in a dental setup. Materials and methods: A total of 170 pediatric patients, aged 4-8 years, indicated for preventive therapy, extractions, restorative, and endodontics were included and divided into two groups [group I-audiovisual (A-V) aids; group II-medical clowns], group of 85 patients each after recording Modified yale preoperative scale. Both pre- and postoperatively, Frankl's behavior score was recorded for each patient. During treatment, the face, legs, activity, cry, consolability (FLACC) pain scale, and dental operator's stress level were recorded. Results: Intervention of medical clowns positively influenced children during dental treatment by increasing their pain threshold. The majority of children showed positive Frankl rating scales after dental treatment. Also, the operator's stress was significantly reduced, which led to enhanced treatment outcomes. Conclusion: Humor yields the power of healing, distracts pediatric patients, reduces their anxiety, and alleviates their pain, conferring the patients with a sense of laughter, creativity, and care.Therefore, medical clowns in pediatric dentistry can prove to be serviceable and valuable as a nonpharmacological approach to behavior management. How to cite this article: Aggarwal P, Mathur S, Chopra R. Assessment of Medical Clowning in Influencing the Anxiety and Behavior Scores of Children Undergoing Various Dental Treatments and the Stress Levels of the Operator. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2024;17(1):59-66.

Risk Manag Healthc Policy ; 17: 727-737, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38559871


Background: Multidrug resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) has attracted increasing attention in achieving the global goal of tuberculosis (TB) control. China has the second largest TB burden worldwide and has been experiencing large-scale domestic migration. This study aims to explore the effect of migrants on non-adherence to MDR-TB treatment. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out in Wuhan, China. The exposure cases were migrants who were not locally registered in the residence registration system. The control cases were local residents. Non-adherence cases were patients who were lost follow-up or refused treatment. Chi-square and t-test were used to compare variables between migrants and local residents. Logistic regression models using enter method were used to determine the relationship between migration and non-adherence to treatment. Moderation and medication effects on the association between migrant status and non-adherence were also explored. Results: We studied 73 migrants and 219 local residents. The migrants, who did not to adhere to treatment (55, 75.3%), was far higher than that of local residents (89, 40.6%). Migrants with MDR-TB had 10.38-times higher difficulty in adhering to treatment (adjusted OR = 10.38, 95% CI 4.62-25.28) than local residents. This additional likelihood was moderated by age and treatment registration group. Migration had an indirect association with non-adherence to treatment via social medial insurance (adjusted OR = 1.05, 95% CI 1.01-1.13). Conclusion: There a significant increased likelihood of non-adherence to treatment among migrants with MDR-TB, highlighting the importance of improving treatment adherence in this population. Migration prevented migrants from gaining access to social medical insurance and indirectly reduced their likelihood of adherence to treatment.

Heliyon ; 10(7): e28170, 2024 Apr 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38560144


Focusing on the research scenario that integrates value-based healthcare objectives with the pharmaceutical group purchasing model, this study delineates value-based healthcare objectives in pharmaceutical group purchasing from three perspectives: drug sales price, drug quality, and service level. We construct a three-level pharmaceutical group purchasing supply chain consisting of drug manufacturers, medical institutions, and non-profit drug group purchasing organisations. Under centralised and decentralised decision-making, we introduce cost-sharing contracts and "cost-sharing-quantity-discount" contracts to analyse the impact of factors such as drug sales price, quality, and sensitivity of the service level. The study found that: (1) Compared with centralised decision-making, the optimal drug quality and service level in decentralised decision-making and the optimal profits of drug manufacturers and medical institutions will decrease. However, the optimal drug sales price in decentralised decision-making always deviates from that in centralised decision-making, leading to higher or lower drug sales prices. (2) The incorporation of value-based healthcare objectives in the pharmaceutical group purchasing through cost-sharing contracts depends on changes in the proportion of drug quality costs borne by medical institutions. If the proportion is too high, medical institutions will suffer greater losses because they bear too much of the cost. (3) Under certain conditions, cost-sharing contracts can improve supply chain efficiency but cannot achieve supply chain coordination, while the combination of "cost-sharing-quantity-discount" contracts can achieve supply chain coordination in pharmaceutical group purchasing.
